Varanus storri storri
A species of Monitor lizards Scientific name : Varanus storri storri Genus : Monitor lizards
Varanus storri storri, A species of Monitor lizards
Scientific name: Varanus storri storri
Genus: Monitor lizards
Description General Info


Varanus storri storri predominantly exhibits a secretive and nocturnal lifestyle, skillfully inhabiting the crevices of rocky outcrops and hollow logs. In terms of ecological role, this species takes part in controlling insect and small vertebrate populations, utilizing its olfactory system for foraging and prey detection. Varanus storri storri uses a reproductive strategy known as short-term sperm storage, ensuring successful fertilization months after mating periods.

General Info

15-20 years
Varanus storri storri's dietary profile is dominated by arthropods, showing a particular preference for ants. This small monitor lizard also consumes other invertebrates and lizards as a part of its diverse diet.
Varanus storri storri is a medium-sized monitor lizard with a slender, elongated body and tapering tail. Its skin is covered in fine, rough scales that are predominantly grey-brown with distinctive orange-yellow spots. The throat and underside are cream-colored. There are no significant differences in appearance based on age, gender, or subspecies.
Varanus storri storri is a solitary creature typically active at dusk and dawn, displaying a crepuscular behavior. This species is territorial with males defending their territories via distinctive posturing and tongue-flicking. It exhibits a unique foraging behavior, dashing out from cover to seize prey, and a conspicuous avoidance of human habitation.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Monitor lizards Genus
Monitor lizards Species
Varanus storri storri