Storr's monitor
A species of Monitor lizards Scientific name : Varanus storri Genus : Monitor lizards
Storr's monitor, A species of Monitor lizards
Scientific name: Varanus storri
Genus: Monitor lizards
Description General Info


Storr's monitor (Varanus storri ) is a species of monitor lizard in the family Varanidae. The species is endemic to Australia.

General Info

15-20 years
Storr's monitor is a carnivorous reptile primarily consuming invertebrates. Specifically, its diet is dominated by arachnids and insects, with a particular inclination towards beetles and spiders.
The Varanus storri is a small, slender monitor lizard with smooth scales. It exhibits a dorsally dark grey to brown coloration with scattered light spots that form loose bands. Its belly is predominantly pale blue-grey. Juvenile individuals present more distinct patterns than adults. Notable features include intermediate-length tail and long and delicate toes.
Storr's monitor is predominantly nocturnal, escaping the harsh desert sun by hiding under soil or in burrows. It hunts using acute sensory adaptations, picking up vibroacoustic signals of its prey. This solitary species displays territorial behavior, using physical displays and markings to delineate spaces. A notable survival adaptation includes its ability to survive on scarce water, extracting it solely from food.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Monitor lizards Genus
Monitor lizards Species
Storr's monitor