Black roughneck monitor
A species of Monitor lizards Scientific name : Varanus rudicollis Genus : Monitor lizards
Black roughneck monitor, A species of Monitor lizards
Scientific name: Varanus rudicollis
Genus: Monitor lizards
Description General Info


The black roughneck monitor lizard, Varanus rudicollis, is a species of monitor lizard found in Southeast Asian countries of Thailand, Burma, and Malaysia. It is also found in Indonesia on Sumatra and islands of the Riau Archipelago It is sometimes known simply as the roughneck monitor lizard.In Thailand is called hÌÃ¨Ä cÄ¥Äng (Thai: à¹à¸«à¹à¸²à¸à¹à¸²à¸; "elephant bark"), does not have poisonous flesh if consumed. Nor is it venomous.

General Info

15-20 years
Black roughneck monitor, a Carnivorous reptile, primarily feeds on smaller mammals, especially rodents. They are also known to consume birds, invertebrates and eggs, displaying a great diversity in their diet.
Black roughneck monitor is a large and heavy-bodied lizard with rough, brown-gray skin. It has a distinct, inflated neck, a bulbous snout, and sharp claws. Its tail is long, thin, and slightly prehensile, lined with ridges. Notable are the thick, protruding scales on its neck and back that become noticeably larger near the animal's robust tail. No significant differences in appearance exist due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Black roughneck monitor is a solitary and largely arboreal species, spending most of its time in trees. It exhibits diurnal behavior, hunting and foraging during the day. Territoriality is pronounced in males, who engage in physical combat for dominance. This species is noted for its unusual neck-rubbing behavior, often accompanied by hissing noises, possibly as a scent-marking technique.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Monitor lizards Genus
Monitor lizards Species
Black roughneck monitor