Rosenberg's monitor
A species of Monitor lizards, Also known as Heath monitor Scientific name : Varanus rosenbergi Genus : Monitor lizards
Rosenberg's monitor, A species of Monitor lizards
Also known as:
Heath monitor
Scientific name: Varanus rosenbergi
Genus: Monitor lizards
Description General Info


Rosenberg's monitor, the heath monitor, or the southern heath monitor, Varanus rosenbergi, is a species of monitor lizard endemic to Australia, where it can be found in southern regions within the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria, and Western Australia.

General Info

15-20 years
Rosenberg's monitor is a carnivorous species predominantly feeding on invertebrates. Its diet mainly includes beetles and orthopterans, but it occasionally consumes small reptiles and mammals. Foraging typically occurs in leaf-litter and soil.
Rosenberg's monitor is a medium-sized monitor lizard with an elongated head, strong legs, and a tapering tail. It has rough, thick skin with a dominant coloration of dark grey to black, overlayed with a pattern of uneven cream or yellow spots. These spots form broken crossbands on the body and tail. No significant differences in appearance based on age, gender, or subspecies have been noted.
Rosenberg's monitor exhibits unique behavioral traits, marked by solitary lifestyle patterns with territorial instincts. Its activities span from day time foraging to retire inside tree hollows at night. This species has a robust defence strategy involving hissing and inflating throat to dissuade encroachment within its territory, enhancing its survival in the wild.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Monitor lizards Genus
Monitor lizards Species
Rosenberg's monitor