Sand goanna
A species of Monitor lizards, Also known as Sand monitor, Gould's goanna Scientific name : Varanus gouldii Genus : Monitor lizards
Sand goanna, A species of Monitor lizards
Also known as:
Sand monitor, Gould's goanna
Scientific name: Varanus gouldii
Genus: Monitor lizards
Description General Info


The sand goanna (Varanus gouldii ) is a species of large Australian monitor lizard, also known as Gould's monitor, the sand monitor, or racehorse goanna.

General Info

15-20 years
Sand goanna is a carnivorous species primarily preying on small terrestrial vertebrates. The bulk of its diet comprises of insects, small reptiles, birds, and mammals, with a specific propensity towards young rabbits and ground-based birds.
Sand goanna is a large, stout species with a long, tapering tail. Its robust body is covered in rough, rigid scales exhibiting a yellowish-brown base color adorned with irregular dark patches. Notable features include sharp claws and a lengthy, forked tongue. There's no significant discrepancy in appearance based on age, gender, or subspecies.
Sand goanna is largely diurnal and solitary, foraging for a variety of food from insects to small mammals. Its distinctive tongue-flicking behavior is deployed for hunting, employing chemical cues to locate prey. Sand goanna is a ground-dwelling species though it can climb trees if necessary. Males engage in combat for mates during breeding season, demonstrating highly territorial tendencies.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Monitor lizards Genus
Monitor lizards Species
Sand goanna