Rusty desert monitor
A species of Monitor lizards, Also known as Spinifex monitor Scientific name : Varanus eremius Genus : Monitor lizards
Rusty desert monitor, A species of Monitor lizards
Also known as:
Spinifex monitor
Scientific name: Varanus eremius
Genus: Monitor lizards
Description General Info


The rusty desert monitor (Varanus eremius) is a species of small monitor lizards native to Australia. It is also known as the pygmy desert monitor. The monitor lizard belongs to the subgenus Odatria along with the Pygmy Mulga Monitor. This monitor lizard is oviparous as with other monitor lizards.

General Info

15-20 years
Rusty desert monitor primarily subsists on a diet of insects and small vertebrates. It demonstrates distinct predilection towards ants, termites, small lizards, and occasionally small birds and mammals, hunting stealthily in its arid habitat.
The rusty desert monitor is a slender monitor lizard that reaches up to 40 cm in length. Its skin is rough, adorned with small beads-like scales which are mainly a sandy brown, with random patterns of grey and beige. A robust tail, long in comparison to body, has an alternating pattern of dark and light bands. This species doesn't show variation due to gender, age, or subspecies.
Rusty desert monitor are typically solitary in nature, spending much of their time in concealment under rocks or within burrows. They utilize ambush predation tactics, lying in wait for prey. Preferring warmer climates, they spend mornings basking in the sun. Territorially, rusty desert monitor exhibit scraping behavior concerning their environment, marking spots through rubbing their bodies against surfaces.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Monitor lizards Genus
Monitor lizards Species
Rusty desert monitor