Rock monitor
A species of Monitor lizards, Also known as Southern rock monitor Scientific name : Varanus albigularis Genus : Monitor lizards
Rock monitor, A species of Monitor lizards
Also known as:
Southern rock monitor
Scientific name: Varanus albigularis
Genus: Monitor lizards
Description General Info


The rock monitor (Varanus albigularis), also called the leguaan, likkewaan or black-throated monitor, is a species of monitor lizard found in Central, East and southern Africa. It is the second-longest lizard found on the continent, and the heaviest bodied.

General Info

12-20 years
Rock monitor primarily feasts on a diet comprising small mammals, birds, insects, and amphibians. With its precise hunting skills, it captures its prey commonly during dusk and dawn, mostly relying on its acute sense of smell.
Rock monitor is a large lizard, with a long and slender body that is covered in rough, bumpy skin. Its coloration varies from light to dark brown, often with yellow or white spots or bands. Notable features include its sharp claws, a long, whip-like tail, and a robust head with a powerful jaw. No significant differences in appearance exist between genders, age-groups or subspecies.
Rock monitor is prominently identified as a solitary forager, primarily active during the day. It is known for climbing and swimming abilities, supported by a muscular tail. A unique aspect of its behavior is its throat-flapping display when threatened. Defending its territory vigorously, rock monitor utilizes physical confrontations and throat inflations for deterrence.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Monitor lizards Genus
Monitor lizards Species
Rock monitor