Gold tegu
A species of Tegus, Also known as Common tegu, Colombian tegu Scientific name : Tupinambis teguixin Genus : Tegus
Gold tegu, A species of Tegus
Also known as:
Common tegu, Colombian tegu
Scientific name: Tupinambis teguixin
Genus: Tegus
Description General Info


The gold tegu, also known as golden tegu, common tegu, black tegu, Colombian tegu, and tiger lizard (on Trinidad), is a species of tegu. Its old scientific name (synonym) was Tupinambis nigropunctatus, but it has since renamed to Tupinambis teguixin.

General Info

15-20 years
Gold tegu thrive on a variably omnivorous diet, largely favoring small mammals, birds, eggs, and insects. This species also shows a marked preference for consuming certain fruits and plants.
Gold tegu is a large lizard characterized by its long body shape, round head, and hefty tail. Its skin is predominantly black and white with unique band patterns that extend down the length of its body. This creature boasts a robust set of limbs equipped with sharp claws. The males are generally larger in size and more vibrantly colored than the females, and show significant variation in pattern complexity.
Gold tegu exhibits notable thermoregulatory behavior, basking in sunlight and burrowing in soil. Primarily carnivorous, this species demonstrates active foraging habits during the day. Their territorial demeanor sees them marking their area through scent glands. Gold tegu is solitary outside the breeding season. Although not migratory, it adapts to seasonal changes through a period of brumation (reptile hibernation).

Scientific Classification