Chinese water skink
A species of Cochinchinese water skink Scientific name : Tropidophorus sinicus Genus : Cochinchinese water skink
Chinese water skink, A species of Cochinchinese water skink
Scientific name: Tropidophorus sinicus
Genus: Cochinchinese water skink
Description General Info


The chinese water skink is a unique reptile exhibiting intriguing behaviors. Its semi-aquatic lifestyle involves adaptations like high-speed swimming and adept climbing, thriving in environments of humidity and water proximity. Its major diet comprises small invertebrates like insects and crustaceans. The chinese water skink also exhibits unique diurnal torpor, a type of short-term hibernation to conserve energy under harsh conditions.

General Info

5-8 years
Chinese water skink predominantly subsists on a diet of small invertebrates, particularly insects and spiders. It skillfully forages amidst forest leaf litter, utilizing stealth and quick strikes to capture its prey.
Chinese water skink is a small, slim skink with a smooth, shiny body covered in scales. Its coloration is predominantly dark brown to black, with mottled white markings along the sides and underbelly. It lacks any form of external ear openings, horns, or wings. Additionally, it has tiny limbs in comparison to its body and a tapering tail. There are no significant differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Chinese water skink is primarily a crepuscular species, most active during dawn and dusk. It exhibits a solitary lifestyle and territorial behavior, often defending the same piece of land for its entire life. It is an excellent climber and swimmer, behavior adapted for its wet and rugged natural habitat.

Scientific Classification