Redtail (bamboo) pit viper
A species of Asian palm pit vipers, Also known as Spot-tailed pitviper Scientific name : Trimeresurus erythrurus Genus : Asian palm pit vipers
Redtail (bamboo) pit viper, A species of Asian palm pit vipers
Also known as:
Spot-tailed pitviper
Scientific name: Trimeresurus erythrurus
Genus: Asian palm pit vipers
Description General Info


Trimeresurus erythrurus is a venomous pit viper species endemic to India, Bangladesh and Burma. No subspecies are currently recognized.

General Info

10-20 years
Redtail (bamboo) pit viper is predominantly a carnivorous species, subsisting primarily on smaller reptiles and rodents. It employs venomous strikes to immobilize prey, including lizards, small mammals and occasionally bird chicks.
The redtail (bamboo) pit viper is a moderately sized snake, distinguished by its slender body and smooth, scaled skin. Its unique reddish-brown to rusty orange coloration is prevalent, set apart by white or yellow crossbands. This snake has a heat-sensing pit between its eye and nostrils, typically with a thin, forked tail. There are no significant differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Redtail (bamboo) pit viper is a primarily nocturnal animal, known for its arboreal lifestyle. It portrays remarkable stealth while hunting, employing a sit-and-wait hunting strategy. The species is solitary, with males exhibiting territorial behavior. Strongly venomous, redtail (bamboo) pit viper uses its venom both for predation and defense against potential threats.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Vipers Genus
Asian palm pit vipers Species
Redtail (bamboo) pit viper