Trapelus mutabilis poppeki
A species of Trapelus Scientific name : Trapelus mutabilis poppeki Genus : Trapelus
Trapelus mutabilis poppeki, A species of Trapelus
Scientific name: Trapelus mutabilis poppeki
Genus: Trapelus
Description General Info


The trapelus mutabilis poppeki is a zoological marvel known for its impressive heat tolerance, thriving in arid habitats such as deserts and semi-deserts across Northeast Africa. Its remarkable conduct of thermoregulation allows survival in extreme temperatures, primarily achieved through postural modifications. Equally fascinating is trapelus mutabilis poppeki's sexual dichromatism, exhibiting color changes linked to variations in mood or temperature, which plays a crucial role in intraspecific communication and mate selection. These two distinguishing attributes uniquely foreground trapelus mutabilis poppeki's exceptional ecological adaptation.

General Info

5-8 years
Primarily an insectivore, trapelus mutabilis poppeki has a preference for arthropods, especially spiders and beetles. Complex hunting techniques allow it to catch even the most elusive insects, decoding their movement for effective predation.
Trapelus mutabilis poppeki is a small to medium-sized agamid lizard with an elongated body and smooth, overlapping scales. Its color varies from sandy to brick red, providing excellent desert camouflage. Notable features include an elongate, pointed snout and large, distinct ear openings. Males can display bold black coloration during mating season, whereas females remain subdued in their hues. Its tail accounts for about two-thirds of its total length.
Trapelus mutabilis poppeki exhibits a diurnal basking behavior, particularly in morning hours, for thermoregulation. This agamid lizard adopts a sit-and-wait foraging strategy and changes color for camouflage, aiding in its primary defense and hunting tactics. Inherently territorial, males fiercely defend their domains against intruders. Notably solitary, trapelus mutabilis poppeki does not interact with its kind outside of mating season.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dragons Genus
Trapelus Species
Trapelus mutabilis poppeki