Trapelus mutabilis pallidus
A species of Trapelus Scientific name : Trapelus mutabilis pallidus Genus : Trapelus
Trapelus mutabilis pallidus, A species of Trapelus
Scientific name: Trapelus mutabilis pallidus
Genus: Trapelus
Description General Info


Inhabiting arid environments, trapelus mutabilis pallidus demonstrates a unique behavioral adaptation to forage during morning and late afternoon hours, optimizing temperature regulation. This reptile is characterized by its facultative sit-and-wait and active foraging mixed strategy, crucial for survival in its dry desert ecosystem. Its diet mainly includes insects, with a particular preference for ants and beetles, reflecting a common feature of desert dwelling lizards.

General Info

5-8 years
Trapelus mutabilis pallidus is essentially insectivorous, with its primary food being ants. It is known for its preference for other small arthropods such as spiders and beetles, contributing to a diverse insect diet.
The trapelus mutabilis pallidus is a medium-sized lizard with a flat, elongated body and a spiny tail. Its scaled skin has a pale sandy or cream color, often with dotted, irregular dark markings. Adults feature pronounced cheek scales, and males display a dark ventral coloration during the breeding season, unlike females. Its most distinguishing trait is its ability to adapt coloration to its surroundings.
Trapelus mutabilis pallidus displays a unique behavior of variable color change in response to temperature shifts. This species is known for its solitary nature, with individual territoriality prevalent among males. Trapelus mutabilis pallidus primarily exhibits diurnal activities, basking in the morning and hunting arachnids and insects during day. It depends on its color-changing ability for survival, using it for thermo-regulation, camouflage, and communication.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dragons Genus
Trapelus Species
Trapelus mutabilis pallidus