Variegated skink
A species of Afro-malagasy mabuyas Scientific name : Trachylepis variegata Genus : Afro-malagasy mabuyas
Variegated skink, A species of Afro-malagasy mabuyas
Scientific name: Trachylepis variegata
Genus: Afro-malagasy mabuyas
Description General Info


The variegated skink (Trachylepis variegata) is a species of skink found in Africa.

General Info

5-8 years
Variegated skink primarily feed on arthropods, particularly insects, making them insectivorous. They display opportunistic feeding habits, supplementing their diet with vegetation, including leaves and fruits, when necessary.
Variegated skink is a medium-sized skink, renowned for its elongated and cylindrical body. Covered in smooth, glossy scales, its base color is brownish, often with variable mottling or stripes. While lacking distinctive features like horns or wings, it possesses a long tail to aid in mobility. Notable is the lack of major appearance deviations between genders or ages.
Variegated skink is a diurnal and terrestrial species with an active foraging behavior. Known for their solitary disposition, they maintain individual territories marked by scratching and rubbing. Their survival in the natural habitat hinges on their remarkable camouflage ability to blend with rocky terrains.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Afro-malagasy mabuyas Species
Variegated skink