Montane speckled skink
A species of Afro-malagasy mabuyas Scientific name : Trachylepis punctatissima Genus : Afro-malagasy mabuyas
Montane speckled skink, A species of Afro-malagasy mabuyas
Scientific name: Trachylepis punctatissima
Genus: Afro-malagasy mabuyas
Description General Info


Trachylepis punctatissima, commonly called the montane speckled skink, is a lizard in the skink family (Scincidae) which is widespread in southern Africa. The common and adaptable species occurs in a variety of habitat types at middle to high altitudes. It was for a time treated as a southern race of the African striped skink, T. striata.

General Info

8-12 years
Montane speckled skink primarily feeds on insects, favoring ants and termites. This skink, known for its adaptive nature, will also consume small snails and various fruits if insects are scarce.
Montane speckled skink is a medium-sized skink with a streamlined body and smooth, scaly skin. It typically presents a dominant brownish-grey coloration dappled with myriad tiny black spots all over its body, offering it a distinctive appearance. Both sexes sport the same coloration and markings, a pattern that remains consistent throughout their lifecycles. The limbs are well-formed and robust, and the tails are elongated and tapering, all attributes that aid in its agile movements.
Montane speckled skink is a diurnal, insectivorous species, actively foraging during daylight hours, distinctive for its specialised 'tongue-flicking' feeding method. Abundantly social, the animals form aggregations around preferred basking locations. Notoriously territorial and aggressive, montane speckled skink exhibits active chasing and biting of intruders.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Afro-malagasy mabuyas Species
Montane speckled skink