Elegant mabuya
A species of Afro-malagasy mabuyas Scientific name : Trachylepis elegans Genus : Afro-malagasy mabuyas
Elegant mabuya, A species of Afro-malagasy mabuyas
Scientific name: Trachylepis elegans
Genus: Afro-malagasy mabuyas
Description General Info


Trachylepis elegans is a species of escincomorfos of the family Scincidae.

General Info

5-10 years
Elegant mabuya is an insectivorous species, primarily consuming various small arthropods. It displays a particular preference for spiders, beetles, and other insectoid species, eagerly pursuing them in terrestrial habitats.
Elegant mabuya is a medium-sized skink with a slender, streamlined body covered in smooth, shiny scales. Its skin varies in color from olive brown to dark blue, often featuring lighter stripes running lengthwise. Tail is elongated and tapering. Both genders share similar features, with no significant differences observable.
Elegant mabuya is a notably solitary reptile with unique diurnal habits to avoid predation. Often camouflaging within its habitat, its survival is primarily dependent on its excellent detectability of predators. It's typically elusive, engaging in seldom social interactions. Their territorial behavior is marked by occasional aggressive defenses, primarily during mating seasons.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Afro-malagasy mabuyas Species
Elegant mabuya