Cape skink
A species of Afro-malagasy mabuyas Scientific name : Trachylepis capensis Genus : Afro-malagasy mabuyas
Cape skink, A species of Afro-malagasy mabuyas
Scientific name: Trachylepis capensis
Genus: Afro-malagasy mabuyas
Description General Info


Trachylepis capensis is a species of skink in the subfamily Lygosominae. It is endemic to Southern Africa. It is often seen in suburban gardens where it tames easily.

General Info

8-10 years
Cape skink exhibits an omnivorous diet, with a leaning towards insectivory. Insects, particularly beetles and caterpillars, form a substantial portion of their intake. However, they also eat a variety of plant materials when insects are scarce.
Cape skink is a medium-sized skink with a long slender body and smooth scales. This reptile exhibits a gray-brown hue on its dorsal side and cream-colored ventral side, with markings of black-edged white ocelli over its body. They have small sharp claws on their five-toed feet. Notably, adult males possess distinct blue throats and underbellies, a feature absent in females and juveniles.
Cape skink is diurnal and primarily terrestrial, foraging predominantly on invertebrates, but also consuming plant material. Exhibiting a solitary nature, the species fiercely defends its territory against intruders. Notably, cape skink's coloration can change with temperature, aiding in thermoregulation.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Afro-malagasy mabuyas Species
Cape skink