Senegal mabuya
A species of Afro-malagasy mabuyas Scientific name : Trachylepis affinis Genus : Afro-malagasy mabuyas
Senegal mabuya, A species of Afro-malagasy mabuyas
Scientific name: Trachylepis affinis
Genus: Afro-malagasy mabuyas
Description General Info


The Senegal mabuya (Trachylepis affinis) is a species of skink.

General Info

5-10 years
Senegal mabuya is primarily insectivorous, consuming a wide range of small invertebrates. It has a preference for arthropods, particularly ants and beetles, using its sharp jaws and tongue to catch and devour its prey.
Senegal mabuya is a medium-sized skink with a streamlined, cylindrical body shape, and scaly skin. It displays a dark-brown to black color, often with paler stripes along their sides. Its tail is relatively long and tapers to a point. Notably, juveniles exhibit brighter patterns, which become duller as they age. No significant differences are observed between genders or subspecies in terms of appearance.
Senegal mabuya is reckoned as a diurnal, ground-dwelling species. It utilizes sunbathing for thermoregulation and is frequently found in colonies. Engaging in viviparous reproduction, it exhibits aggressive territorial behaviors, particularly males during the breeding season. Vegetation and crevices serve as usual refuge sites, a fundamental survival tactic for this lizard.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Afro-malagasy mabuyas Species
Senegal mabuya