Trachemys venusta venusta
A species of Sliders Scientific name : Trachemys venusta venusta Genus : Sliders
Trachemys venusta venusta, A species of Sliders
Scientific name: Trachemys venusta venusta
Genus: Sliders
Description General Info


Trachemys venusta venusta inhabits fresh to brackish waters, playing a critical role in controlling aquatic vegetation due to its omnivorous predilection. This turtle exhibits an unusual basking behavior, often perching on tree branches or floating wood above water, which aids in thermoregulation as well as parasite removal. Despite its semi-aquatic lifestyle, trachemys venusta venusta is surprisingly agile on land, contributing to nutrient transfer between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

General Info

20-30 years
Trachemys venusta venusta is a predominantly omnivorous species, showing a marked preference for animal matter. Although they will consume vegetation, they are likely to rapidly favor small fish, aquatic invertebrates, and insects as staple dietary components.
The trachemys venusta venusta is a small to medium-sized turtle, exhibiting a streamlined, flat shell and webbed feet. Akin to its terrestrial habitat, its shell portrays a significant blend of green hues, adorned with yellow and black marbling. Its skin and legs carry similar patterns. The males differ slightly with longer claws and more rounded shells. Its most unique feature, a yellow streak, runs from its nose, through its eyes reaching back to the neck.
Trachemys venusta venusta is a diurnal species known for its basking habit. When not basking, it is generally observed swimming or foraging. Although primarily solitary, it tolerates conspecific presence during basking and foraging. As a semi-aquatic species, trachemys venusta venusta has adapted well to both land and water.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Testudines Family
Terrapins Genus
Sliders Species
Trachemys venusta venusta