Trachemys venusta iversoni
A species of Sliders Scientific name : Trachemys venusta iversoni Genus : Sliders
Trachemys venusta iversoni, A species of Sliders
Scientific name: Trachemys venusta iversoni
Genus: Sliders
Description General Info


Trachemys venusta iversoni is an engaging freshwater turtle that exhibits diurnal habits, primarily active during daylight hours. Its niche ecological attribute lies in the dietary shift it undergoes from omnivore as a juvenile to predominantly herbivore in adulthood, aiding balance in aquatic ecosystems. Extraordinarily, trachemys venusta iversoni manifests a unique behavior of interspecific cooperation, often sharing basking sites with other turtle species.

General Info

25-40 years
Trachemys venusta iversoni's diet primarily comprises aquatic vegetation and small invertebrates. Its food patterns display a preference for soft aquatic plants and insects, while occasionally indulging in carrion, emphasizing its opportunistic and omnivorous nature.
Trachemys venusta iversoni is a medium-sized semi-aquatic turtle, characterized by its oval, streamlined shell covered in rough, scaly skin. Its vibrant coloration includes a bright yellow underbelly, olive-green to brown top shell with dark concentric rings, and distinct yellow stripes on its head. Juveniles exhibit brighter colors than adults. There are no significant differences due to gender or subspecies.
Trachemys venusta iversoni is typically a solitary and compatible species, exhibiting a diurnal lifestyle. It is noted for its basking behavior on logs or rocks in its aquatic habitat. It is not notably territorial, but will retreat into its shell when threatened. Not specific in feeding habits, it consumes both plant and animal matter.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Testudines Family
Terrapins Genus
Sliders Species
Trachemys venusta iversoni