Meso-american slider
A species of Sliders, Also known as Mesoamerican Slider Scientific name : Trachemys venusta Genus : Sliders
Meso-american slider, A species of Sliders
Also known as:
Mesoamerican Slider
Scientific name: Trachemys venusta
Genus: Sliders
Description General Info


The Meso-American slider (Trachemys venusta) is a species of turtle belonging to the family Emydidae with a distribution from Mexico to Colombia.

General Info

20-30 years
Meso-american slider is primarily an omnivore, favoring plant matter, but also consumes small invertebrates. Algae and aquatic vegetation make up a significant portion of its diet, supplemented with crustaceans and insects for protein.
Meso-american slider is a medium-sized turtle with a highly domed, oval carapace, skin with scale-like textures, and a V-shaped notch between the eyes. Its top shell displays varying shades of green and yellow, often with dark, irregular markings. The turtle's belly shell is cream to yellow with dark patches. The species is sexually dimorphic, with females being larger and males showing long claws on the front flippers and a longer tail.
Meso-american slider exhibits a diurnal lifestyle, predominantly attuned to feeding and basking activities during daylight hours. Solitary by nature apart from during mating season, this turtle is generally placid but can be territorial in confinement. Its disruptive shell pattern plays a significant role in camouflage against predators in its native freshwater habitat.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Testudines Family
Terrapins Genus
Sliders Species
Meso-american slider