Yellow-bellied slider
A species of Sliders Scientific name : Trachemys scripta scripta Genus : Sliders
Yellow-bellied slider, A species of Sliders
Scientific name: Trachemys scripta scripta
Genus: Sliders
Description General Info


Yellow-bellied slider is a semi-aquatic turtle inhabiting calm freshwater bodies, known for its basking behavior which is crucial for thermoregulation. Displaying a mainly omnivorous diet, it consumes a wide range of food, from invertebrates and small fish to plant materials, contributing significantly to energy flow and nutrient cycling within its ecosystem. Yellow-bellied slider exhibits unique defensive strategies against predators, which include shell retracting and aggressive posturing.

General Info

20-40 years
Yellow-bellied slider primarily subsists on a diet of both animal and plant matter. Its preferred food includes invertebrates like insects, snails, and crustaceans as well as multiple species of aquatic plants and algae.
Yellow-bellied slider is a medium-sized turtle covered in a bony shell. Its oval carapace, or upper shell, has yellow stripes against a dark green or black base. The plastron, or lower shell, is typically yellow with dark, irregular markings. It sports a relatively short tail and four sturdy legs adorned with webbed toes. While both sexes display similar appearance, males tend to have longer claws and tails.
Yellow-bellied slider is primarily diurnal, spending the day foraging for food, basking or hiding in underwater. It demonstrates an omnivorous feeding behavior, consuming plant material and small animals alike. It migrates local distances based on climate and can be defensive when its territory is invaded. A solitary species, its social interactions are typically limited to mating periods.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Testudines Family
Terrapins Genus
Sliders Species
Yellow-bellied slider