Red-eared slider
A species of Sliders, Also known as Red-eared slider turtle, Slider turtle Scientific name : Trachemys scripta elegans Genus : Sliders
Red-eared slider, A species of Sliders
Also known as:
Red-eared slider turtle, Slider turtle
Scientific name: Trachemys scripta elegans
Genus: Sliders
Description General Info


Red-eared slider display a fascinating behavior of basking in groups, which aids in their thermoregulation, and can often be observed on logs or rocks close to water bodies. These highly adaptable reptiles exhibit an opportunistic feeding strategy, consuming a diverse range of food, from aquatic plants to small invertebrates, reflecting their pivotal role in maintaining a balanced aquatic ecosystem.

General Info

20-40 years
Red-eared slider possesses an omnivorous diet, primarily consuming aquatic vegetation. Predominantly, it feeds on filamentous algae and emergent plants, supplemented by small invertebrates like insects, mollusks, and crustaceans for protein.
The red-eared slider is a medium-sized turtle, renowned for its vibrant skin and shell. It has a smooth, oval carapace with greenish-brown hues and unique, yellow-red markings. Its skin is generally green, contrasted by yellow stripes. No noticeable difference is seen between genders, however, juveniles exhibit more striking patterns and colors.
Red-eared slider is primarily diurnal, spending much time basking on land or logs during the day. They are opportunistic omnivores, consuming a diet of aquatic vegetation, invertebrates, and small fish. Interestingly, red-eared slider possess a striking territorial nature especially during nesting season. Their survivability can be attributed to their versatile dietary habits and adept swimming ability.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Testudines Family
Terrapins Genus
Sliders Species
Red-eared slider