Big bend slider
A species of Sliders, Also known as Nazas slider Scientific name : Trachemys gaigeae Genus : Sliders
Big bend slider, A species of Sliders
Also known as:
Nazas slider
Scientific name: Trachemys gaigeae
Genus: Sliders
Description General Info


The Big Bend slider (Trachemys gaigeae) is a species of aquatic turtle endemic to the Southwestern United States and northern Mexico.

General Info

20-40 years
Big bend slider largely feed on an omnivorous diet, with an inclination to herbivorous consumption. Their intake includes aquatic plants, invertebrates, small fish and carrion, showcasing a dietary diversity within their aquatic habitats.
The big bend slider is a medium-sized turtle with a streamlined oval shell, which typically showcases a muted color palette of olive-green to brown. This coloration extends to the skin, broken up by distinctive thin yellow stripes. The reptile exhibits a horn-shaped beak and webbed feet. Males distinguish themselves with long claws and a tapered tail, while females possess shorter claws and wider shells.
Big bend slider is an omnivore with a preference for aquatic vegetation. This diurnal species is primarily solitary, rarely socially mixing except during mating season. Often seen basking in the sun on rocks, big bend slider quickly retreats underwater when disturbed, displaying a distinctive skittish behaviour. It is non-migratory, remaining fairly stationary within its aquatic habitats.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Testudines Family
Terrapins Genus
Sliders Species
Big bend slider