Trachemys decussata angusta
A species of Sliders Scientific name : Trachemys decussata angusta Genus : Sliders
Trachemys decussata angusta, A species of Sliders
Scientific name: Trachemys decussata angusta
Genus: Sliders
Description General Info


Specializing in an aquatic lifestyle, the trachemys decussata angusta is known for its efficiency in energy conservation, often remaining motionless beneath water to prevent waste of energy through excessive swimming. This species also exhibits remarkable longevity, possibly a response to low mortality rates among mature individuals caused by their adequate defensive abilities.

General Info

20-30 years
Trachemys decussata angusta maintain a herbivorous diet primarily composed of aquatic vegetation, including plants and algae. They also have a proclivity for invertebrates, particularly during youthful stages, consuming insects, snails, and worms when accessible.
Trachemys decussata angusta is a medium-sized turtle with a semi-aquatic nature. It possesses a rounded carapace covered in distinctive scute patterns, providing it a rugged exterior. Its shell displays an overall dark green color, often with yellow and black streaks. No significant differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies have been noted. The turtle's stout body and broad, flipper-like limbs reflect its adaptability to both terrestrial and aquatic habitats.
Trachemys decussata angusta exhibits semi-aquatic behavior, often found in basking zones near water. This species is known for its aggressive feeding habits, focusing predominantly on an omnivorous diet. Solitary in nature, individual trachemys decussata angusta can demonstrate territorial tendencies, especially within preferred basking sites. Adaptive behaviors include camouflage in aquatic environments, aiding in predation evasion.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Testudines Family
Terrapins Genus
Sliders Species
Trachemys decussata angusta