Tiliqua scincoides intermedia
A species of Blue-tongued skink Scientific name : Tiliqua scincoides intermedia Genus : Blue-tongued skink
Tiliqua scincoides intermedia, A species of Blue-tongued skink
Scientific name: Tiliqua scincoides intermedia
Genus: Blue-tongued skink
Description General Info


Tiliqua scincoides intermedia is a diurnally active reptile with remarkable adaptation. Notably, it exhibits an intriguing omnivorous dietary pattern where it consumes a broad array of food sources, complementing its adaptable ecological role. Also, its unique behavior of tail autonomy serves as an efficient survival mechanism, aiding in escaping predation.

General Info

15-20 years
Tiliqua scincoides intermedia' largely subsists on a diet of invertebrates, including spiders, beetles, and snails. They also consume fruits and seeds, augmenting their diet with plant-based nutrients.
Tiliqua scincoides intermedia is a robust and large-bodied skink with scaly skin and long, tapering tail. It's earth-toned, typically blue-tongue, brown or grey with darker banding across the body and tail. The underside is usually pale. Distinctly, adults possess a blue tongue which contrasts against its gum and interior of mouth, often shown when threatened. No significant differences are noted based on age, gender or subspecies.
Tiliqua scincoides intermedia is predominantly solitary and crepuscular, showcasing increased activity at dawn and dusk. Notably, it exhibits a unique defense mechanism called 'blooming', where it expands its body to appear larger to predators. Its diet largely consists of plant matter and small invertebrates, with active foraging often observed.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Blue-tongued skink Species
Tiliqua scincoides intermedia