Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea
A species of Blue-tongued skink Scientific name : Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea Genus : Blue-tongued skink
Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea, A species of Blue-tongued skink
Scientific name: Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea
Genus: Blue-tongued skink
Description General Info


The tiliqua scincoides chimaerea demonstrates remarkable basking and feeding behaviours, unusual in the skink family. Its thermoregulation involves significant time exposed in sunlight. It mostly feeds on vegetation, while occasionally indulging in smaller invertebrates. This dual behavioral adaptation enables it to survive in varied habitats ranging from coastal areas to dry, interior regions.

General Info

15-20 years
Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea primarily consumes vegetation, with a fondness for leafy greens, vegetables, and edible flowers. It undergoes seasonal variations in dietary habits, favoring native berries and insects during warmer periods. This suggest its opportunistic and variability in feeding habits.
Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea is a medium-sized lizard with a robust, elongated body and a thick, tapering tail. It has smooth, glossy skin adorned with scales, predominantly in shades of blue-grey to black, with potential streaks of cream. Its head is distinctively broad and flat. No significant variance is observed based on gender, age, or subspecies.
Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea is a diurnal and solitary reptile, predominantly engaging in basking behaviors during sunny periods. Its diet is omnivorous, feeding mainly on insects and plant matter. Territory is marked via scent trails and defended aggressively, especially during the breeding season. It showcases unique threat displays like gaping its mouth wide and inflating its body when threatened.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Blue-tongued skink Species
Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea