Centralian blue-tongued lizard
A species of Blue-tongued skink, Also known as Centralian Blue-tongued Skink Scientific name : Tiliqua multifasciata Genus : Blue-tongued skink
Centralian blue-tongued lizard, A species of Blue-tongued skink
Also known as:
Centralian Blue-tongued Skink
Scientific name: Tiliqua multifasciata
Genus: Blue-tongued skink
Description General Info


The Centralian blue-tongued skink (Tiliqua multifasciata) is a species of skink.

General Info

15-20 years
Centralian blue-tongued lizard thrives on a diet primarily comprising of invertibrates such as beetles, spiders, and snails. Seasonally, it indulges in soft fruits and succulent leaves, hinting a partial dietary diversity.
Centralian blue-tongued lizard is a medium-sized skink with an elongated, smooth body. Its skin is vibrantly coloured, primarily in brown and beige, with transverse dark bands running along the length of its body. It has a broad, triangular head and short, robust legs. The most distinctive feature of centralian blue-tongued lizard is its long, tapering tail. There are no major differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Centralian blue-tongued lizard is a solitary species predominantly active throughout the daylight hours, with a dominant foraging behavior observed in the morning and late afternoon. Its notable behavior features include rigorous tongue flicking while hunting, a display quintessential for thermoregulation and prey detection. Aggressive tail-lashing and body-inflation have been observed for territory defense and predator deterrence.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Blue-tongued skink Species
Centralian blue-tongued lizard