Thamnophis marcianus praeocularis
A species of Garter snakes Scientific name : Thamnophis marcianus praeocularis Genus : Garter snakes
Thamnophis marcianus praeocularis, A species of Garter snakes
Scientific name: Thamnophis marcianus praeocularis
Genus: Garter snakes
Description General Info


Thamnophis marcianus praeocularis showcases intriguing ecological adaptations, particularly its feeding habits and reproductive strategy. It has developed a dietary preference for amphibians, using a unique hunting technique that involves a rapid strike in water. Additionally, this snake exhibits an ovoviviparous reproductive system, where females retain eggs internally until they are ready to hatch, providing offspring heightened survival rates in their challenging aquatic environment.

General Info

6-10 years
Thamnophis marcianus praeocularis is predominantly carnivorous, with a primary diet of various small mammals. It particularly relishes mice and voles, but will also consume small lizards and birds. Periodically, it supplements its diet with amphibians and insects.
Thamnophis marcianus praeocularis is a relatively small, slender-bodied snake with smooth, glossy skin. The predominant color is a dusky olive green, often punctuated by darker, irregular stripes. Its defining feature is a distinctive yellow or cream-colored streak extending from the snout, passing over the eye. There is no notable sexual dimorphism or difference in appearance due to age in this species.
Thamnophis marcianus praeocularis is notably a solitary creature, displaying a marked preference for hunting alone, primarily targeting amphibians and fish. Predominantly active during the day, it demonstrates exceptional swimming skills. This reptile does not exhibit distinctive territorial behaviour, tending to roam across broad areas instead of marking or defending specific regions.

Scientific Classification