Thamnophis eques scotti
A species of Garter snakes Scientific name : Thamnophis eques scotti Genus : Garter snakes
Thamnophis eques scotti, A species of Garter snakes
Scientific name: Thamnophis eques scotti
Genus: Garter snakes
Description General Info


Thamnophis eques scotti is a viviparous species known for its olfactory reliance during hunting, using scent trails to pursue preys, predominantly amphibians. Remarkably, its maternal behavior involves 'shivering' to increase the body temperature and thereby enhancing the developmental conditions for embryos. The species thrives well in riparian zones, contributing to structuring the aquatic food web.

General Info

6-10 years
Thamnophis eques scotti mainly feeds on small invertebrates, with a preference for earthworms and amphibians. It actively hunts, relying on its keen eyesight, and may also consume small fish.
Thamnophis eques scotti has a slender, elongated body shape, covered with smooth scales. This medium-sized snake exhibits a distinct coloration of dark crossbands on a lighter background. Noteworthy characteristics are the back stripe's uninterrupted nature and the lateral stripes running along the third and fourth scale rows. There are no significant differences in appearance due to age, gender or subspecies.
Thamnophis eques scotti is a solitary species with a diurnal behavior pattern, primarily active during dawn and dusk. Noted for its non-aggressive nature, it hunts aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, small mammals, and amphibians. Unlike other garter snakes, thamnophis eques scotti does not display overt territoriality but demonstrates a unique survival adaptation of vibratory warning signals against predators.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Natricinae Genus
Garter snakes Species
Thamnophis eques scotti