Ocellated whiptail lizard
A species of Four-toed tegus Scientific name : Teius oculatus Genus : Four-toed tegus
Ocellated whiptail lizard, A species of Four-toed tegus
Scientific name: Teius oculatus
Genus: Four-toed tegus
Description General Info


Teius oculatus is a species of lizard found in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina.

General Info

5-10 years
Ocellated whiptail lizard is a predominantly insectivorous species, feasting primarily on ants and termites. This lizard also incorporates small invertebrates, spiders, and occasionally fruits into its diet, for a balanced nutrient intake.
Ocellated whiptail lizard is a small size lizard characterized by its elongated body featuring rough, granular skin. It exhibits a predominantly black coloration, accented by a series of irregular yellowish-white markings stretching vertically along its body. The animal lacks any significant appendages such as horns or wings. Notably, the lizard's tail is longer than its body. Sexual dimorphism is observed with males generally possessing more vivid color patterns.
Ocellated whiptail lizard is a primarily diurnal species known for agile crawling and swift running. Its strongest behaviors manifest during foraging and mating seasons, showing off bright coloration to attract mates while demonstrating territorial tendencies. Generally solitary, it's observed to be vigilant, exhibiting strong survival instincts in its native habitats.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Whiptails Genus
Four-toed tegus Species
Ocellated whiptail lizard