Stellagama stellio cypriaca
A species of Starred agama Scientific name : Stellagama stellio cypriaca Genus : Starred agama
Stellagama stellio cypriaca, A species of Starred agama
Scientific name: Stellagama stellio cypriaca
Genus: Starred agama
Description General Info


With exceptional adaptability, stellagama stellio cypriaca is distinguished by its niche predominance in Cyprus's rocky outcrop ecosystems. This reptile exhibits an omnivorous feeding strategy, consuming various invertebrates and plant material. Notably, stellagama stellio cypriaca employs a unique heat-sensing mechanism, enabling it to self-regulate its body temperature and thrive in a broad range of thermal conditions. These behavioral adaptations contribute significantly to its ecological role as a secondary consumer and its survival in fluctuating environments.

General Info

15-20 years
Stellagama stellio cypriaca is predominantly an insectivore, relishing beetles, grasshoppers, and various arthropods. In addition, it displays an occasional preference for plant matter, particularly soft fruits and flowers.
Stellagama stellio cypriaca is a medium-sized lizard with a robust body covered in rough, spiny scales. It displays a blend of dark brown, green, and black colors, often coupled with vibrant spots or stripes. Key features include a series of large dorsal spines running down its back and a thick tail. This mosaic-like coloring and spikey body structure are similar in both genders and across all ages.
Stellagama stellio cypriaca showcases remarkable adaptability, thriving in diverse habitats, from coastal areas to mountainous regions. Characteristically shy and solitary, they expertly employ their camouflaged skin for protection and hunting. Their territorial matings involve unique head-bopping interactions and elaborate color displays. Stellagama stellio cypriaca is noted for its ability to eat a varied diet, encompassing insects, flowers, and fruits.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dragons Genus
Starred agama Species
Stellagama stellio cypriaca