Starred agama
A species of Starred agama, Also known as Painted dragon, Sling-tailed agama Scientific name : Stellagama stellio Genus : Starred agama
Starred agama, A species of Starred agama
Also known as:
Painted dragon, Sling-tailed agama
Scientific name: Stellagama stellio
Genus: Starred agama
Description General Info


Stellagama is a monotypic genus of agamid lizards containing the single species Stellagama stellio.

General Info

8-10 years
Starred agama primarily features an omnivorous dietary habit. Predominately, their diet constitutes invertebrates, vegetation, and smaller reptiles. Invertebrates include insects, scorpions, spiders, and gastropods, while occasionally foraging for flowers, leaves, and fruits.
Starred agama is a medium-sized reptile with a robust, elongated body covered in rough, scaly skin. It is primarily brown or greyish-brown, with dark irregular spots giving a starry appearance. The body is adorned with sharp spines, particularly evident on the tail and around the dorsal crest. Unlike many other reptiles, there are no striking differences in appearance between genders or due to aging in this species.
Starred agama is diurnal and territorial, engaging in displays of head-bobbing and push-ups to ward off rivals. They are solitary, except during mating season. They can adapt to various environments, often seen basking in sunlight or hiding in rocky crevices. Their diet mainly consists of insects and plants.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dragons Genus
Starred agama Species
Starred agama