Sinomicrurus macclellandi macclellandi
A species of Sinomicrurus Scientific name : Sinomicrurus macclellandi macclellandi Genus : Sinomicrurus
Sinomicrurus macclellandi macclellandi, A species of Sinomicrurus
Scientific name: Sinomicrurus macclellandi macclellandi
Genus: Sinomicrurus
Description General Info


The sinomicrurus macclellandi macclellandi is notably venomous, its potent neurotoxic venom utilized effectively when hunting small reptiles and amphibians. Exhibiting an intriguing survival mechanism, sinomicrurus macclellandi macclellandi delivers its lethal bite swiftly, then meticulously trails its prey until paralysis and death ensue. Preferring forested regions, the snake plays a critical role in controlling the population of local fauna, thus maintaining ecological balance.

General Info

10-15 years
Sinomicrurus macclellandi macclellandi's diet primarily consists of small vertebrate prey. Specially, it exhibits a preference for reptiles like lizards and smaller snakes, which make up a significant proportion of its diet. While sinomicrurus macclellandi macclellandi predominantly feeds on cold-blooded prey, it is known to occasionally consume small mammals.
Sinomicrurus macclellandi macclellandi is a moderately-sized snake with a slender body and smooth scales. It is primarily jet black, manifolds with a series of striking red bands running down its length. The head and tail also exhibit red markings. No significant differences are noticeable with respect to age, genders or subspecies.
Sinomicrurus macclellandi macclellandi is primarily a solitary, diurnal species with a venomous bite utilized for predation and defense. It displays a rubbed-out posture when threatened, exposing its vibrant ventral colors as a warning sign. Notably, this snake is an oviparous species, laying eggs to reproduce, and shows a preference for forested areas, exhibiting a well-adapted survival instinct within this habitat.

Scientific Classification