Tsushima ground skink
A species of Ground skinks Scientific name : Scincella vandenburghi Genus : Ground skinks
Tsushima ground skink, A species of Ground skinks
Scientific name: Scincella vandenburghi
Genus: Ground skinks
Description General Info


Scincella vandenburghi (Korean skink, Tsushima ground skink, or Tsushima smooth skink) is a species of skink, a lizard in the family Scincidae. The species is endemic to East Asia

General Info

5-8 years
Tsushima ground skink primarily thrives on a diet of small arthropods like spiders, evolving specific hunting strategies to trap their preferred prey. This species also supplements its diet with other small invertebrates, ensuring diverse nourishment.
Tsushima ground skink is a small, slender lizard, no more than 7cm long. It has smooth, shiny, scaly skin and features a long, tapering tail. The primary coloration is a uniform graysish-brown, somewhat darker along the midline. The underside is a paler gray. It lacks specific markings, except for a single dark stripe extending from the eye to the base of the tail. There are no noticeable differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Tsushima ground skink is predominantly solitary, engaging in nocturnal hunting to capture small invertebrates. It uses its slender body and fondness for burrowing to camouflage and navigate within leaf litters and soil. Although not territorial, it utilizes hiding as a primary survival tactic against predators.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Ground skinks Species
Tsushima ground skink