Little brown skink
A species of Ground skinks Scientific name : Scincella lateralis Genus : Ground skinks
Little brown skink, A species of Ground skinks
Scientific name: Scincella lateralis
Genus: Ground skinks
Description General Info


Scincella lateralis is a small species of skink found throughout much of the eastern half of the United States, and into northern Mexico.

General Info

5-10 years
Little brown skink primarily feeds on a diet of small invertebrates, including crickets and other insects. An adept forager, this lizard species selectively preys on easily accessible, soft-bodied prey, aligning its dietary patterns with changing seasonal availabilities.
The little brown skink is a small, smooth-skinned lizard, typically reaching lengths of 7.5 to 12.5 centimeters. Its elongated and slender body is covered in metallic-hued scales, which range from brown to bronze or dark gray. The little brown skink exhibits a pale underside, and a sleek tail that makes up over half of its total length. There are no significant visual differences between genders or age groups in this species.
Little brown skink is a solitary creature that displays a high degree of territoriality, often retreating when threatened, but not before performing a defensive display of raising and waving its tail. This ground-dwelling reptile spends most of its active time foraging for its diet of small invertebrates.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Ground skinks Species
Little brown skink