Scincella cherriei ixbaac
A species of Ground skinks Scientific name : Scincella cherriei ixbaac Genus : Ground skinks
Scincella cherriei ixbaac, A species of Ground skinks
Scientific name: Scincella cherriei ixbaac
Genus: Ground skinks
Description General Info


Scincella cherriei ixbaac is a skink species characterized by its predominantly diurnal activities and semi-fossorial lifestyle. Due to its soil-dwelling nature, it has evolved a unique burrowing strategy, allowing it to manipulate its environment for survival. As an insectivore, scincella cherriei ixbaac plays a critical role in regulating invertebrate populations, thus maintaining ecological balance.

General Info

5-8 years
The primary diet of scincella cherriei ixbaac consists mainly of small arthropods. Its specific food preferences lean towards insects such as beetles and spiders, which it actively forages in the undergrowth.
Scincella cherriei ixbaac is a small skink with a slender, elongated body covered in smooth, shiny scales. It displays a predominant greyish-brown coloration, enabling a natural camouflage in its habitat. Its underbelly is mildly paler. Also unique to this creature are its short legs and a long tail, both proportional to its body. No significant differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies have been reported.
Scincella cherriei ixbaac exhibits typical skink behavior, primarily being a secretive, ground-dwelling species. Its day-to-day activities include foraging for small insects within leaf litter, indicating a carnivorous dietary pattern. A noteworthy adaptation for survival in its forest habitat is its excellent camouflage. Its social structure is predominantly solitary, with individuals using scent marking for territory defense.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Ground skinks Species
Scincella cherriei ixbaac