Scincella assatus
A species of Ground skinks Scientific name : Scincella assatus Genus : Ground skinks
Scincella assatus, A species of Ground skinks
Scientific name: Scincella assatus
Genus: Ground skinks
Description General Info


Scincella assatus is notable for its semi-fossorial lifestyle, often dwelling in loose soil or leaf litter in ecological niches where it utilizes stealth to hunt insects and other small invertebrates. Under threat, it quickly retreats into the substrate, making use of a physical adaptation that enhances its survival within a largely terrestrial existence. Its secretive nature and preference for less open habitats contributes to the balancing of invertebrate populations in its local ecosystem.

General Info

5-8 years
Scincella assatus is primarily insectivorous, feeding on a variety of small invertebrates. A significant part of its dietary intake includes ants, beetles, and other small arthropods, but it may occasionally consume small worms and spiders.
Scincella assatus is a small-sized skink with a streamlined body and shiny, scale-covered skin. Primarily, it boasts a brown dorsal coloration with a lighter underbelly. No significant markings or patterns are evident, giving it an overall unadorned look. It has slender limbs and a long, tapering tail. There are no notable differences in appearance between the genders or across different life stages.
Scincella assatus demonstrates a cryptic, secretive behavior, remaining predominantly confined to the leaf litter of forests. It is primarily diurnal, engaging in periods of active foraging during daylight. Scincella assatus is highly sensitive to environmental changes, thus exhibiting exceptional camouflage capabilities. A solitary species, scincella assatus displays strong territorial tendencies, including aggressive encounters during the breeding period.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Ground skinks Species
Scincella assatus