Tago's brown frog
A species of Holarctic true frogs Scientific name : Rana tagoi Genus : Holarctic true frogs
Tago's brown frog, A species of Holarctic true frogs
Scientific name: Rana tagoi
Genus: Holarctic true frogs
Description General Info


The Tago's brown frog or simply Tago frog (Rana tagoi) is a species of frog in the Ranidae family endemic to Japan. It is widely distributed within Japan and found on Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, as well as on some outlying islands. There are two subspecies:

General Info

1-3 years
Tago's brown frog primarily feed on a variety of invertebrates, particulalry favoring insects and small crustaceans. This species also exhibits a predilection for terrestrial fauna like spiders and beetles.
The tago's brown frog is a small amphibian with sleek, smooth skin. Adult individuals primarily exhibit a dark brown coloration with a varying degree of yellow or cream spots on their backs, while their undersides are lightly hued. The tago's brown frog does not possess any horns, wings, or unique tail features. Both males and females share similar appearances, with no significant differences due to age or gender.
Tago's brown frog has a distinctive nocturnal lifestyle, mainly active at night to forage for food that primarily includes insects and small invertebrates. Unlike many other amphibians, this species exhibits a remarkable solitary behavior, interacting with others primarily during the mating season. Its survival adaptations include its camouflaged coloration blending seamlessly with its moist forest habitat.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Amphibians Order
Frogs and toads Family
True frogs Genus
Holarctic true frogs Species
Tago's brown frog