Italian agile frog
A species of Holarctic true frogs Scientific name : Rana latastei Genus : Holarctic true frogs
Italian agile frog, A species of Holarctic true frogs
Scientific name: Rana latastei
Genus: Holarctic true frogs
Description General Info


The Italian agile frog (Rana latastei) also known as the Lataste's frog, is a true frog endemic to the plains of northern Italy, the extreme southern tip of Switzerland, the Istrian region of Slovenia, and adjacent Croatia.

General Info

10-12 years
Italian agile frog is primarily an insectivore with a marked preference for ants. Its food repertoire also includes spiders, beetles, and occasionally small crustaceans, highlighting its opportunistic feeding behavior.
Italian agile frog is a small frog, reaching a maximum length of about 5 cm, with a slender, smooth-skinned body. Its color varies from green to brown, often with a darker, irregular blotching pattern. It features long hind legs for jumping and a pointed snout, setting it apart from other frogs. There are no significant differences in appearance between gender or age.
Italian agile frog is a nocturnal, largely terrestrial animal. It exhibits breeding seasonality, with males engaging in distinctive vocalizations to attract females. It is solitary outside of mating season, spending its time in underground burrows for shelter. Its diet includes invertebrates, which it actively hunts at night. Italian agile frog is also known to be highly defensive when threatened, performing warning displays.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Amphibians Order
Frogs and toads Family
True frogs Genus
Holarctic true frogs Species
Italian agile frog