California red-legged frog
A species of Holarctic true frogs Scientific name : Rana draytonii Genus : Holarctic true frogs
California red-legged frog, A species of Holarctic true frogs
Scientific name: Rana draytonii
Genus: Holarctic true frogs
Description People often ask General Info


California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii) is a frog native to the Baja California region. The california red-legged frog is threatened in the state of California and is only found in 30% of the regions where it used to live, displaced by invasive species and the effects of environmental pollution. This species is the state amphibian on California.

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General Info

6-10 years
California red-legged frog's primary diet consists largely of invertebrates, particularly insects. Its specific food preferences extend to annelids, gastropods, and arachnids, precisely adjusting to prey abundance and local biodiversity.
California red-legged frog is a medium-sized frog with a smooth, moist skin. Its color ranges from tan to dark brown often with dark spots on its back. Notable features include its large, bulbous eyes and a thin dorsolateral fold of skin running along its flanks. In terms of sex differences, females are typically larger and darker than males.
California red-legged frog is mainly nocturnal, spending its days concealed in cool, moist surroundings and seeking out food during the night. California red-legged frog is highly territorial, with males displaying aggressive behaviour in marking and defending their territory. California red-legged frog congregates in waters to breed, laying copious amounts of eggs.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Amphibians Order
Frogs and toads Family
True frogs Genus
Holarctic true frogs Species
California red-legged frog