African rock python
A species of Pythons Scientific name : Python natalensis Genus : Pythons
African rock python, A species of Pythons
Scientific name: Python natalensis
Genus: Pythons
Description General Info


The African rock python (Python sebae) is a large, nonvenomous snake of sub-Saharan Africa. It is one of 11 living species in the genus Python. It has two subspecies; one is found in Central and Western Africa, the other in Southern Africa.

General Info

12-20 years
Primarily carnivorous, african rock python sustains itself on various small to medium-sized rodents. Naturally ambush predators, they also consume birds and, occasionally, small antelopes, utilising their constricting abilities to fatal effect.
African rock python is a large-bodied snake with smooth, polished skin. Adults exhibit a golden brown or sometimes olive shade, with irregular, darker colored blotches running along the length of the body. The belly is a pale, creamy white. Its head is noticeably broader than its neck, and the eyes have a characteristic vertical pupil. There are no notable differences in appearance between sexes, ages, or subspecies.
African rock python exhibits largely nocurnal behavior, seeking shelter during the day in burrows or thickets while hunting actively at night. This solitary predator displays ambush hunting tactics and constricts its prey. Primarily non-territorial, it uses scent marking for communication rather than for defining territories, highlighting its adaption to a stealth predator lifestyle.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Pythons Genus
Pythons Species
African rock python