Eastern river cooter
A species of Cooters Scientific name : Pseudemys concinna concinna Genus : Cooters
Eastern river cooter, A species of Cooters
Scientific name: Pseudemys concinna concinna
Genus: Cooters
Description General Info


The eastern river cooter is a fascinating creature due to its omnivorous diet and complex territoriality. Its dynamic feeding behavior consists of consuming both aquatic vegetation and small animals, demonstrating its adaptability to varying resource availability. Moreover, it exhibits profound territorial behaviors, mostly the males who vigorously defend their regions, thus playing a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance.

General Info

20-40 years
Eastern river cooter is primarily herbivorous, indulging in aquatic vegetation like algae and seagrasses. Its diet extends to various fruits, berries, and occasional small aquatic invertebrates, presenting an important ecological role in controlling aquatic plant proliferation.
Eastern river cooter is a medium-sized freshwater turtle with a broad, smooth carapace. Its shell is dominantly olive to black with intricate yellowish to reddish patterns rising towards the center. The river cooter's skin is dark with stripes of yellow extending down the neck. The bottom of the shell is yellowish with dark blotches. Younger turtles have brighter colors and more prominent patterns, which fade with age.
Eastern river cooter is a primarily solitary species with daytime tendencies, often seen basking in the sun. They are omnivores, consuming a diet majorly composed of aquatic vegetation. In regards to territory, males show mild aggression but typically avoid serious conflict. Their nesting period falls in late spring to early summer.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Testudines Family
Terrapins Genus
Cooters Species
Eastern river cooter