Psammodromus algirus algirus
A species of Sand lizards Scientific name : Psammodromus algirus algirus Genus : Sand lizards
Psammodromus algirus algirus, A species of Sand lizards
Scientific name: Psammodromus algirus algirus
Genus: Sand lizards
Description General Info


Psammodromus algirus algirus is a diurnal species primarily found in sandy and rocky habitats. This reptile is typically solitary, exhibiting profound territoriality, especially among males. Its diet primarily consists of arthropods, which it actively hunts during the day, displaying an intriguing adaptation of visual acuity and fast pursuit. Remarkably, females of psammodromus algirus algirus demonstrate ovoviviparity, giving birth to live young - an essential survival mechanism in their harsh, variable habitats.

General Info

3-8 years
Psammodromus algirus algirus primarily sustains on arthropods. Its diet comprises a variety of insects, notably orthopterans and coleopterans. Moreover, it also favors mollusks and spiders for diversity in its intake.
The psammodromus algirus algirus is a medium-sized lizard with a slender body and long tail, averaging 7cm in body length and 20cm including the tail. Its impermeable skin, finely granular and sprinkled with large scales, bears a dominant olive-green to brown coloration with darker backs and silvery-white bellies. Distinctly, males exhibit blue spots on their sides during mating seasons, and juveniles have light-colored stripes down their backs.
Psammodromus algirus algirus is a solitary species, usually found foraging alone, primarily during the day. It is known for its high speed and agility, useful in predator evasion and prey capture. Males have distinctive territorial behavior, marking and aggressively defending their zones. Its camouflage facilitates survival in Mediterranean habitats.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Wall lizards Genus
Sand lizards Species
Psammodromus algirus algirus