Common stream lizard
A species of Potamites Scientific name : Potamites ecpleopus Genus : Potamites
Common stream lizard, A species of Potamites
Scientific name: Potamites ecpleopus
Genus: Potamites
Description General Info


Potamites ecpleopus, the common stream lizard , is a species of lizard in the family Gymnophthalmidae. It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru.

General Info

20-30 years
Common stream lizard presents a predominantly herbivorous diet, with a notable preference for aquatic plants. Its food repertoire includes algae, invasive waterweeds and soft-bodied plant materials. This species' unique dentition supports efficient underwater grazing.
Common stream lizard is a relatively small, semi-aquatic mammal covered in textured, gray-brown skin. It has a prominent snout, much like a tapir, and two sets of tusks sticking downward from its upper jaw. It lacks significant age or gender-related variations in appearance. Common stream lizard's squat, barrel-shaped body, short limbs, and a tail enhance adaptation to a riverine habitat.
Common stream lizard are predominantly solitary creatures, exhibiting gallant behavior when threatened. They forage during the day, primarily feeding on the river vegetation in their native environment. Uniquely adapted to their aquatic habitat, they use their elongated tusks in territorial disputes and for digging up riverbeds while foraging.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Spectacled lizards Genus
Potamites Species
Common stream lizard