Many-colored bush anole
A species of Bush anoles, Also known as Common monkey lizard Scientific name : Polychrus marmoratus Genus : Bush anoles
Many-colored bush anole, A species of Bush anoles
Also known as:
Common monkey lizard
Scientific name: Polychrus marmoratus
Genus: Bush anoles
Description General Info


Polychrus marmoratus or many-colored bush anole is a species of bush anole. It is also commonly referred to as the monkey lizard due to its slow movement. The lizard has many predators, including spiders and primates.

General Info

8-10 years
Many-colored bush anole primarily feeds on arthropods, with a specific affinity for insects such as moths, beetles, and spiders. It also exhibits opportunistic behavior, occasionally feeding on vegetation.
Many-colored bush anole is a medium-sized lizard with an elongated, sleek body covered in smooth, shiny scales. It displays a vibrant array of colors, typically a blend of green, brown, and yellow, which camouflages it in tropical foliage. It has a long tail, more than double the body length, which it uses for balance when climbing trees. No significant differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies have been reported.
Many-colored bush anole demonstrates a notable solitary nature, primarily being active during the day. This species engages in an unusual behavior called 'leaf basking', skillfully camouflaging itself among leaves while basking in the sun. Their practice of puffing up their bodies when threatened serves as a potential deterrent to predators in their natural habitat.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Anoles Genus
Bush anoles Species
Many-colored bush anole