Dwarf bearded dragon
A species of Bearded dragons Scientific name : Pogona minor Genus : Bearded dragons
Dwarf bearded dragon, A species of Bearded dragons
Scientific name: Pogona minor
Genus: Bearded dragons
Description General Info


Pogona minor is a species of agamid lizard from a group commonly known as bearded dragons, and is found on the southwest coast and interior of Western Australia. This taxonomic name includes the widespread type known as western bearded dragon, Pogona minor minor, and the subspecies, Pogona minor minima, confined to the Wallabi Group of islands.

General Info

10-15 years
Dwarf bearded dragon primarily subsists on a varied diet of invertebrates. It especially favours beetles and other small arthropods. Additionally, it occasionally consumes plant matter and small vertebrates.
Dwarf bearded dragon is a small to medium-size lizard with a broad, flattened body, spiky scales, and a long, tapering tail. Its overall coloration is typically brownish, with lighter pattering on its back. Dwarf bearded dragon has a characteristic bearded appearance due to a 'frill' of spikes around its neck that can be fanned out when it is threatened. There are no significant differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Dwarf bearded dragon demonstrate solitary behaviors and are largely territorial, frequently engaging in head-bobbing to maintain territory and assert dominance. This species is diurnal, active during the day, utilizing basking for temperature regulation. Being omnivorous, it forages for a variety of foods, from insects to plants.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dragons Genus
Bearded dragons Species
Dwarf bearded dragon