Plestiodon tetragrammus tetragrammus
A species of Skinks Scientific name : Plestiodon tetragrammus tetragrammus Genus : Skinks
Plestiodon tetragrammus tetragrammus, A species of Skinks
Scientific name: Plestiodon tetragrammus tetragrammus
Genus: Skinks
Description General Info


Plestiodon tetragrammus tetragrammus exhibits a fascinating ability to regenerate its own tail, a survival mechanism that helps it evade predators. This species is primarily insectivorous, using its quick speed and agility to catch a variety of insects. In regards to its ecological role, plestiodon tetragrammus tetragrammus plays an important part in controlling insect populations in its natural woodland habitats.

General Info

6-8 years
The diet of plestiodon tetragrammus tetragrammus is largely insectivorous, feasting primarily on small invertebrates. This species exhibits a preference for arthropods like spiders and centipedes, as well as various beetle larvae.
Plestiodon tetragrammus tetragrammus is a moderately-sized skink with a slender body, rough, scaly skin, and tail it often retains throughout its life. It sports a polished upper-side primarily in shades of grey-brown, with four light-colored stripes running lengthwise from head to tail-end. The skink's side is characterized by darker markings, with the under-side displaying a light grey or white hue. As they mature, their coloring may darken, causing stripes to fade.
Plestiodon tetragrammus tetragrammus is primarily nocturnal, actively foraging for insect prey during the night. It's a solitary species, with encounters between individuals typically resulting in aggressive, territorial disputes. Plestiodon tetragrammus tetragrammus is known for its distinctive approach to deal with threats: it conspicuously curls its tail, displaying vivid coloration as a visual warning.

Scientific Classification