Far eastern skink
A species of Skinks, Also known as Japanese five-lined skink Scientific name : Plestiodon latiscutatus Genus : Skinks
Far eastern skink, A species of Skinks
Also known as:
Japanese five-lined skink
Scientific name: Plestiodon latiscutatus
Genus: Skinks
Description General Info


Far eastern skink's ecological hallmark lies in its propensity to eschew full sunlight in preference of shaded underbrush, becoming more active during twilight hours, demonstrating its crepuscular behaviors. Its diet, predominantly consisting of various insects and spiders, is indicative of its role as an offshoot of ecological balance, controlling the population of these smaller creatures within its habitat.

General Info

6-8 years
Far eastern skink mainly feeds on insects, with a preference for beetles and spiders. It also enjoys eating other small invertebrates, making it an opportunistic carnivore with a varied diet.
Far eastern skink is a small-sized lizard with a slender and elongated body covered in smooth scales. Its skin exhibits a unique, vibrant mix of blue and green, often with dark streaks or spots. The tail, an important feature, is also brightly colored and capable of regeneration. There are no substantial differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Far eastern skink is an elusive, diurnal species found to be most active during the warmest part of the day. It remains solitary, primarily territorial, and shows clear aggressive behavior when its territory is invaded. Possessing excellent climbing skills, it is well-adapted to its forest habitat, where it feeds on a diverse diet of insects and invertebrates.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Skinks Species
Far eastern skink