Plestiodon gilberti rubricaudatus
A species of Skinks Scientific name : Plestiodon gilberti rubricaudatus Genus : Skinks
Plestiodon gilberti rubricaudatus, A species of Skinks
Scientific name: Plestiodon gilberti rubricaudatus
Genus: Skinks
Description General Info


Plestiodon gilberti rubricaudatus' is a notable example of an opportunistic eater, utilizing various insects, arachnids, gastropods, and even small lizards for sustenance. Their presence plays a critical ecological role as a regulator of these invertebrate populations. Another peculiar characteristic is their ability to slough off their tail when threatened, a defensive tactic that provides a distraction for potential predators and aids in their escape.

General Info

5-10 years
Plestiodon gilberti rubricaudatus primarily subsists on invertebrates, particularly insects and their larvae. This species is known for active foraging, meticulously scrutinizing leaf litter and bark crevices to expose hiding prey.
Plestiodon gilberti rubricaudatus is a medium-sized, elongated lizard with smooth, glossy skin. Its primary coloration is blue-black, highlighted by a brilliant red tail. Juveniles maintain this bright tail hue, while in adults it often darkens to deep orange or rust. Males possess broader heads and thicker tails than females. No apparent features such as horns or wings are present.
Plestiodon gilberti rubricaudatus is a diurnal, solitary animal with a striking territorial instinct. It forages actively during the day, displaying adept climbing skills to reach invertebrate prey. Using color change for both camouflage and thermoregulation, it thrives in arid habitats. Strongly territorial, males of the species aggressively defend their space from other males using threat displays.

Scientific Classification