Plestiodon gilberti gilberti
A species of Skinks Scientific name : Plestiodon gilberti gilberti Genus : Skinks
Plestiodon gilberti gilberti, A species of Skinks
Scientific name: Plestiodon gilberti gilberti
Genus: Skinks
Description General Info


Plestiodon gilberti gilberti is a notable lizard species indigenous to the west coast of the United States. It is recognized for a remarkable mating behavior - the male waves its tail rhythmically to court the female. Moreover, displaying a heightened adaptability, this lizard thrives in varied ecological habitats, from grasslands to mixed woodlands, often taking refuge in woody debris or burrow excavations.

General Info

6-8 years
Plestiodon gilberti gilberti primarily consume insects, making them an insectivorous species. Their diet consists of ants, beetles, and spiders. They are also known to eat centipedes and small crustaceans when available.
Plestiodon gilberti gilberti is a medium-sized skink characterized by its cylindrical body and soft, shiny scales. The creature exhibits a dominant vivid blue tail, contrasting its muted brown dorsal surface, which is marked with irregular, dark brown patches. Juveniles, brightly colored than adults, show more striking blue and pink hues. The male, unlike the female, develops orange-red coloring on the jaw and sides during the breeding season.
Plestiodon gilberti gilberti is largely solitary, exhibiting territorial behaviors through head bobbing and body inflation. Known for its diurnal activity, this species primarily hunts and feeds during daylight hours. To survive in arid conditions, plestiodon gilberti gilberti exhibits burrowing behavior for thermoregulation and escaping predation.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Skinks Species
Plestiodon gilberti gilberti